
Instead of worrying about when you will need that next delivery of oil, let us do that for you! Our computerized system tracks the weather and generates your delivery automatically. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express as additional forms of payment. At Rambone & Sprague, we provide the following fuels for your convenience:

All #2 fuel oil is blended with a premium heating oil additive called heat force, a group of active ingredients to help avoid filter issues, nozzle and strainer plugging, thereby effectively reducing fuel related service calls.

We exceed the demands of fleets of heavy trucks, by providing a premium ultra low sulfur road fuel to on-road vehicles/fleets. Our team sets the standard…order Diesel fuel from us today!

Off-road diesel is a premium ultra low sulfur fuel, great for heavy machinery such as construction equipment.

Stay warm in your home or trailer with a premium K-1 fuel.